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Convert Html to Swift

Convert Html to Swift

Transform your HTML code into Swift DSL code with ease

Works for pointfreeco/swift-html and BinaryBirds/swift-html. Your server-side Swift application is protected from runtime errors and invalid HTML through DSL libraries, which incorporates HTML directly into the robust type system of Swift. It takes effect during compile-time, thus eliminating the risk posed by templating languages.

Convert Html to Swift

Text Case Converter

Toggle between kebab, snake, camel, and pascal cases

Going from one naming convention to another is now easy. Change your variable names, class names, and function names to the style your next project demands.

Convert Html to Swift

Prefix and Suffix Converter

Change prefix or suffix of each line

Replace the recurring prefix or suffix in every line with what you prefer. Also add either a prefix or a suffix to each line. It works with whitespace with no problem.

Convert Html to Swift

Regex Match Extractor

Extract the matches and the capturing groups

Two separate outputs are created. One with the whole match and the other is the capturing groups. The matches are highlighted in the input.

Convert Html to Swift

File Content Search

Search for a string in files and get the line number, and preview the file content.

Go through each file in a folder with the option of even searching for hidden files. It will output the line number of each file with the preview option.

Convert Html to Swift

Name Generator

Generate non-existing but readable names or words

Generate names with three methods: ◆ Randomly combining the prefix and suffix of common names. ◆ Alternating between vowels and consonants. ◆ Assigning different weights to each letter, and setting the probability to alternate between vowel and consonant.

Convert Html to Swift

Swift Formatter

Format your Swift code

Use nicklockwood's SwiftFormat by inputting the configuration file content to the editor.

Convert Html to Swift

JSON Formatter

Format your JSON data

Beautify your JSON data with our pretty-print and syntax highlight feature.

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